Representational State Transfer (REST) (ACM 2002-REST-TOIT:2000)
Bluetooth 4.2 (Bluetooth SIG bluetooth42:2014)
BGP Extended Communities Attribute (IETF RFC 4360:2006)
The Kerberos v5 Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) Mechanism (IETF RFC 4752:2006)
Atom Publishing Protocol (IETF RFC 5023:2007)
Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and CRL Profile (IETF RFC 5280:2008)
Systems and software engineering -- Architecture Processes (ISO CD42020:2016)
Information technology - Cloud computing - Overview and vocabulary (ISO/IEC 17788:2014)
Information technology - Cloud computing - Reference architecture (ISO/IEC 17789:2014)
Information technology - Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) (ISO/IEC 17826:2012)
Web Services for Management (WS-Management) Specification (ISO/IEC 17963:2013)
Information Technology - Cloud Computing - Interoperability and Portability (ISO/IEC AWI 19941)
Information Technology ‐ Cloud Computing ‐ Data and their Flow across Devices and Cloud Services (ISO/IEC WD 19944)
Information technology - Distributed Application Platforms and Services (DAPS) - General technical principles of Service Oriented Architecture (ISO/IEC TR 30102:2012)
Technical Characteristics of the Link 22 TDL System (NSO STANAG 4610 (Study) Ed 1)
Networking Framework for All-IP Transport Services (NETIP) - AComP-4731 Edition A (NSO STANAG 4731 (RD) Ed 1:2015)
Standards for Interface of Data Links 1, 11, and 11B Through a Buffer - ATDLP-6.01 Edition A (NSO STANAG 5601 Ed 7:2016)
xTDL Framework Document [for Representation of TDL in eXtensible Markup Language (XML)] (NSO-Expected ATDLP-7.04(A)(1))
Standard Operating Procedures for the CRC-SAM Interface - VOL I & II (NSO-Expected ATDLP-7.12(A)(1))
Standard Operating Procedures for Link 1 (NSO-Expected ATDLP-7.31(A)(1))
BPML Business Process Model and Notation version 2.0.2:2014 (OMG formal/2011-01-03:2014)
OMG Systems Modeling Language (OMG SysML) 1.4 (OMG formal-2015-06-03:2015)
RSS 2.0 Specification (RSS 2.0:2009)