9. The following standards have been declared candidate standards for NATO common funded systems. However, no information of how to map the standard to the C3 Taxonomy have been provided.
Systems and software engineering -- Architecture Processes (ISO CD42020:2016)
Trouble Ticket REST API Specification R14.5.1 Interface (TM-FORUM TMF621:2015)
Product Ordering API REST Specification R14.5.1 Interface (TM-FORUM TMF622:2015)
API REST Conformance Guidelines R15.5.1 Standard (TM-FORUM TR250:2016)
Service Oriented Architecture Modeling Language (SOAML), Version 1.0.1 (OMG formal-2012-05-10:2012)
Biometric data interchange formats -- Part 14: DNA Data (ISO/IEC 19794-6:2013)